Build Your 2025 Strategy In-Person With Me In November


53. Should You Add a Podcast to Your Marketing Strategy in 2023?

Filed in Podcast — March 29, 2023

Today is a special day as we celebrate our 1-year anniversary! So in this episode, I am discussing whether adding a podcast to your marketing strategy is worth it for 2023 and what business owners can benefit from having a podcast.

I’m sharing my personal experience running a podcast, including why I started this podcast and how it has been over the past year. I’ll explore the best time to start a podcast as a business owner, the different strategies behind creating a podcast, and much more.

One of the topics we’ll delve into is whether or not you need a podcast manager, and I will be sharing why I made the decision to have one. I’ll also talk about the different impacts that having a podcast can have on your business and your audience.

Throughout the episode, I’ll share some of my learnings from being a podcaster for the past year and the insights I’ve gained through this experience.

If you’re interested in learning more about how a podcast can play a part in your marketing strategy, be sure to book a strategy intensive to map out your plan.

My podcast manager: Lily Hazell

Strategy Intensive Application:

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