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International Women’s Day 2023: 15 Inspiring Entrepreneurs Share Their Top Business Advice

Filed in Press Features — March 7, 2023

Ready to be inspired? To celebrate International Women’s Day we called on members of the May James community from around the world to share the one piece of business advice they’d give to other entrepreneurs. Here’s what they had to say… 

“You can listen to every podcast, read every book and take every course. But the most important thing to learn is how to listen to your own gut, and trust your intuition. No one gets to build your business but you, so don’t forget to lean into the joy of it!”

Jacqui Patton, Founder of Ink Blot Creative & GREENHOUSE Jersey

“You are valuable and you belong. Trust your gut, walk with integrity and ask for help. Always give back to your community and create the employment opportunities that you never had. Have kindness, care and love be at the core of every step that you take. Take up space and know that your offering is unique and needed.”

Cecilia Flor, Co-Founder of Tidy Gnomes

“Take the risks that make sense, face each day as it comes, and tackle your to-do list one step at a time! Oh and be proud every day of what you are achieving even if it seems insignificant or minimal.”

Lottie Bentley, Founder of Sew Wild and Green

“Working 12-hour days is fine. If you want to eat lunch at your desk, that’s also fine. When you’re an entrepreneur, you need to work hard – just remember to take breaks, avoid working over the weekend (if possible), and give yourself a screen time detox now and then.”

Jess Bruno, Founder of The Content Club

“It’s important to know when to ask for help, whether it’s advice from your network or hired support. Also, protect your mental health!”

Ada Alti, Founder of ExploreHer Studio

“Root yourself in your values & trust your intuition & your instinct, it can never guide you down the wrong path.”

Rachel Shillcock, Founder of Beyond Ink & Rachilli Creative Studio

“Running a business is hard work. You will have good days and bad days. But don’t add to the pressure or stress by not having a solid plan and strategy in place. Knowing where you want to go and having solid foundations will make the journey a whole lot easier.”

Serina Dalmon, Founder of Serenity Accounting Services

“Don’t just build your business build your personal brand. As you grow and scale this matters just as much to stakeholders and potential investors.”

Dr Sam Lynch, Founder of Dr Sam Lynch

“If you’re waiting for it to be perfect, you’ll never do it and you’ll never launch. Coming from a past perfectionist, messy action is the best action! It got me exactly where I am today.”

Olwyn Hanley, Founder of Ol Over It Creative

“Always be unapologetically you, stay true to your beliefs and what you stand for.”

Kieley Scholey, Founder of Wellbeing by Kieley Scholey

“There’s no better time than right now to go after your big goals! Even if you wear multiple titles – mum, wife, CEO – there’s more available now in terms of resources to help you succeed. So many amazing online coaches, service providers, and courses from around the world. Go for it!”

Onah Agbamu, Founder of Serene Virtual

“Tune into your intuition more in business – whether that be a great income-building idea that comes to you suddenly in the shower, or a gut feeling that something is off with a potential client – lean into how your body reacts as an entrepreneur and trust in that. Your internal compass never fails you.”

Victoria Jackson, Founder of The Manifestation Collective

“Money amplifies who YOU are, and you get to build a business on your terms. Boundaries are your friend!”

Emily Armitage, Founder of Emily Armitage

”Understand what you are building and be strategic. You can waste a lot of resources chasing something you don’t really want.”

May James, Founder of May James Ltd

Building a successful business is no easy feat, but the journey is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding experiences that anyone can embark on. In 2023 it’s crucial for women to take up more space at the entrepreneurial table globally.

At May James, we strongly believe that any woman who wants to become a thriving entrepreneur and leader in their industry should be able to do so with the same opportunities and resources available to them as their male counterparts. We are proud to be part of a larger movement that’s dedicated to empowering women to not only earn more, but to also scale their businesses and make a greater impact in their communities.

To see more of our 2023 International Women’s Day Campaign listen to a special episode of the Honest Business Podcast: ”IWD 2023: The Glass Ceiling of Communication” – tune in here.

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