63. The Scaling Gap

Filed in Podcast — June 7, 2023

Scaling a business is difficult, let alone the statistics being against female entrepreneurs. Male SMEs are five times more likely to scale up to 1 million pound turnover than female SMEs. This gap is due to accessibility, opportunity, and knowledge, among other factors. But don’t worry, in this episode, I am discussing how to navigate the scaling journey and achieve your goals.

Many people have the talk about scaling their businesses, but they struggle to do the work required for a long period of time. Therefore, having a sustainable strategy in place and clear support can make a significant difference in staying on the path and closing the scaling gap.

If you want to learn more about the scaling gap and how to overcome it, tune in to this episode of the Honest Business Podcast.

Key points in this episode:
The Scaling Gap [00:00:53]
Importance of Support [00:07:35]
The Importance of Long-Term Work [00:09:47]
The Challenges of Scaling a Business [00:11:29]
The Importance of Mindset and Vision [00:21:10]
Maintaining Quality and Service [00:24:16]
Managing Risk Strategically [00:27:27]
Opportunities and Challenges [00:34:21]
Support when Scaling [00:40:01]

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